None can compare to Rindle Mer with her frothy shock of orange hair. You need not ask if she’s up to the task. She’ll revive the Woods with seconds to spare.
None can compare to Rindle Mer with her frothy shock of orange hair. You need not ask if she’s up to the task. She’ll revive the Woods with seconds to spare.
I recently added this volume to my collection of Andrew Lang Fairy Books. I now own the blue, the green, the red, the pink, the yellow, the violet, the brown, and now the crimson. So far, ‘Little Wildrose’ is my favorite tale in this volume. Why? Because of the first sentence – Once upon a […]
The last of the roamers was Lace. She had a most serious face. She wrote many stories of Boadlian glories. For a thousand years none took her place.
Beloved by all was Lady May of Orrun from Cloud Castle City to all places foreign. Her grace and her style caused many a smile on many a face to be worrun.
The Triplet Princesses Three were exhausting to hear or to see. Their cacophonous fury or tempestuous hurry left no room for silence to be.
A nester musician named Frad was positively mad to unravel the mystery of a hutkeeper’s history. To do so would make his heart glad.
The next story in Bekka’s eBook series will be ready to go within the next few months. Meanwhile, here’s the enticement to buy which will be posted at the Wild Child Publishing website. The Blue Hills Blurb In Book #5 of The Bekka Chronicles, Bekka of Thorns awakens one morning feeling uneasy and not knowing […]
This eccentric and elegant Queeen was raised by a Dragon betweeen a river and pool. Under hill was her school. No odder upgrowth has there beeen.