July 30, 2012
This is the Blossom Castle Crump. Jesterbeasts say he’s an awful grump. Front face or back, of smiles there’s a lack. No wonder those jesters call him The Lump.
July 22, 2012
Here is Shaaaa the Beddysnake in the Evermist of the marshy lake. 4 tongues green in her mouth are seen, and her black heart eyes will make you quake.
July 16, 2012
Several oddments and lots of thrills meet Bekka of Thorns in the strange blue hills. The world is frozen. Is she chosen? The answer’s revealed when the mind vessel fills.
July 3, 2012
Amzo, mother of Lorelei Lo, mother of Lovey, mother of Ambergold, mother of Lady May, who had one son and no daughters, but her twin brother was the father of the lively triplets, Wun, Tuu and Thrii