November 23, 2014
Once in a land far away a shoemaker and his wife had 3 daughters. Wunny was the first born, Tuella the second, Threeda the third. Threeda was the wildest and most impetuous. So when a traveling crone passing through the village told the shoemaker and his family all about how a golden castle on the […]
November 14, 2014
Once there was a small queendom wedged in a canyon between two towering cliffs. It was peaceful. It had a stream, a small castle, and a little blue frog. Each morning the queen led all of her subjects (there were nine of them) to the frog room and supervised the preparations for viewing the frog. […]
November 11, 2014
‘I am splendid, am I not? I can grant wishes, too,’ boasted the 4 leaf clover. ‘My petals are perfect, don’t you think? And there are 4 of them.’ The blades of grass and the 3 leaf clovers all around grumbled and muttered. ‘Petals, she says. Leafs aren’t good enough for her,’ said a nearby […]
November 5, 2014
In Jesterbeasts, Book 9 of The Bekka Chronicles, the search for her missing (stolen?) cottage leads the good lavender witch from her home world of Boad through a space portal to the California mountains of planet Earth.
November 2, 2014
‘Hey, what’s the big idea?’ ‘Nobody said anything about snow.’ ‘Take us back to the greenhouse now!’ ‘I kind of like it.’ ‘You would.’