Oh, what a creature is Dak the Jroon! He controls the rise of the great Ledgemoon. His gray storm eyes can mesmerize or whip the wide sea to a roaring typhoon!
Oh, what a creature is Dak the Jroon! He controls the rise of the great Ledgemoon. His gray storm eyes can mesmerize or whip the wide sea to a roaring typhoon!
A beautiful witch-maiden explains the powers of a precious gold ring in ‘The Dragon of the North’, a fairy tale in Andrew Lang’s Yellow Fairy Book, which I read eagerly a long, long time ago. She says: “If I put the ring on the little finger of my left hand, then I can fly like […]
I was 8 years old when I read this comic book story by Dick Moores in 1952. And what a great story it was. I mean, look, I’m posting about it 60 years later! An old car bought by Goofy is possessed by the spirit of its creator, who was cheated out of his invention […]
There once was a young girl from Earth whose nickname was Reeb right from birth. Later, not glumly, her name became Plumly when she on planet Boad proved her worth.
Oh, listen to the tale of Zom Falbu. The roads she traveled were old and new. Here now, here then, and sometimes when, she shifted her shape to help quite a few.
The Blue Fairy Book, the first of Andrew Lang’s folk and fairy tale collections, was published in 1889. You’ll find the monstrous three-headed Red Etin in there searching for a young man who “had not been long in his hidy-hole before the awful Etin came in; and no sooner was he in than he was […]
Strange Donkie Ledger once did go in search of the Princess Lorelei Lo. His oratory flourish did little to nourish the bird witch’s hope of a journey not slow.
Here’s an edition of Andrew Lang’s The Brown Fairy Book illustrated by Omar Rayyan. You can read a tale told by Australian aborigines in there. It’s all about a creature called the Bunyip. It’s a good idea to avoid her. “The side of the pool where she lives is always shunned by everyone, as nobody […]