February 26, 2011
Here is a special short sneak preview of a story from the time after Bekka’s duties as chronicler have been passed on to a girl who arrived on Boad from Earth. She is called Plumly. That isn’t her pictured below. That is the relentlessly happy Quingcess Blosso. I couldn’t ask her questions because there wasn’t […]
February 17, 2011
In the very first tale told by Harpo, the 4 characters below are on a quest to repair time and the weather (top to bottom – Princess Lovey, Chef Larry, Gorge the Troll, and the lavender witch). In the excerpt, Harpo discusses the difference between gnomes and dwarfs. Gnomes and dwarves. Dwarves and gnomes. What […]
February 8, 2011
One of Harpo’s chronicles told the story of Rindle Mer, pictured below. Bekka’s knowledge of this story comes in handy during one of her later adventures. The Woods Beyond the Wood were beyond the Danken Wood in land located east of the Kinngish Queeendom of Fiddleeebod. Formerly rich, lush, moist and leafy, the woods were […]
January 25, 2011
The wild and energetic Triplet Princesses Three take center stage in Harpo’s Chronicle, The Land of the Rainbow Giants. In the rough sketch below, that’s Wun on the left, Tuu in the middle, and Thrii on the right. “Don’t wake them, Mal. It’s so peaceful when they sleep,” said the Kinng. “Doesn’t I know it?” […]
January 11, 2011
The formidable Princess pictured below is Nimble Missst. She is the focus of two stories. One was written long ago by Harpo. The other is this one, Quen Nim, written by Bekka. “Ridiculous,” said Nimble Missst. She stood on the ledge part way down the cliff and close by the cascading O’Tan Falls. “Ridiculous times […]
December 28, 2010
This excerpt from THE ACROTWIST CLOWN, part two of ‘A Tale of Fiddleeebod’, features Nobb and Jemby, pictured below. Almost a decade has drifted by since the shocking conclusion of part one, ORRUN. Nobb, the Acrotwist Clown and Jemby, the Goblin alone on the shore of a faraway sea the acrotwist clown paints his face […]
December 14, 2010
The first story written by the second Chronicler, Lace, describes a single night she spent in the company of a time-traveling shapeshiftress, Zom Falbu. The painting below depicts Zom Falbu captured in mid-shift. A single night spent in Woeful Wanderers’ Wasteland listening to a time travelling shapeshiftress named Zom Falbu. There. I have written it […]
December 7, 2010
Here is a chapter from one of Bekka’s future chronicles, The Woodlock. For the first time, she is sent on an adventure alone, and has to perform her time travel task without the comforting presence of her best friend, Kar. The title character, the woodlock Delia Branch, is pictured below. I sat deep in thought, […]
November 30, 2010
Harpo, pictured below, was the first chronicler. He dictated his autobiography to Lace, the second chronicler. The first chapter of that memoir is today’s excerpt. First, I’ll start firstly. Lace, write down everything I say. Yes, even that. What? No. Now, where was I? First? Ah, yes. First, I’ll start firstly. My parents, they were […]
November 23, 2010
The Ledgemoon is a story in which the chapters are like the spokes of a wheel. They go round and round. Lace and Harpo, pupil and teacher, alternate writing the chapters. The story concerns those twins up there, Fiss, on the left, and his sister, Sill, on the right. Excerpt below. “I want to […]