Ember is under construction as is The Red Velvet Rose
Ember is under construction as is The Red Velvet Rose
Middle grade work-in-progress, Ember, introduces its villain: Jeth is smooth. Smooth and round. Covered with a fine white fur of grass, it circles the world of Boad. It is a moon. A silent grassy moon. Minutes before Ember awoke and moved from Sadlar to The Rainbow Giants, a hungry secret appeared deep down in the […]
A new story has found a beginning. I am hard at work searching for a middle and an end. Meanwhile, here is the beginning that the new story has found. Ember Introduction Now I am old. The few years I spent as the Earthling girl Reeb to begin my journey fade from memory. My life […]
The snowflakes gathered in the cloud to hear the final decision. Which one would win the honor to fall first on winter solstice? The chatting din subdued when the Grand Snowflake took position one small span beyond and above the eager crowd. ‘Flakes of beauty, welcome,’ said the Grand Snowflake. ‘Each one of you, no […]
A cloudy sky greeted morning on the day time and weather went wild. 1st sentence, 1st of 4 books in The Lovey Saga, now under construction.
Long ago in the Realm of Flowers a pumpkin grew to be huge, orange, and rotten. It rolled and bounced viciously around the garden wreaking havoc. Its cruel laughter rang all the day throughout the realm. The flowers, at a loss for what to do, held a secret meeting late at night in the old […]
Improved cover for new edition of Bekka of Thorns, available at amazon’s kindle shop.
The new edition of Bekka of Thorns is available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MT51UPT/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1483373916&sr=1-1&keywords=bekka+of+thorns+steve+shilstone
Meet Plumly, a ten year old Earth girl from the mountains of California. She is now dyed blue and wandering the wilds of a world in another dimension. amazon link for purchase: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CFD3GXM