When Amzo was the Queen of Clover her daughter to a Dragon she had to hand over A rescue, it seems, was found only in dreams and a sliver of hope in a magical rover
When Amzo was the Queen of Clover her daughter to a Dragon she had to hand over A rescue, it seems, was found only in dreams and a sliver of hope in a magical rover
Weedthistle flits there and about. She tends to the honey. Of that there’s no doubt. Magnificent things are her bright yellow wings. Whenever she flaps ’em – oh dazzle, sing out!
The witchlet sisters are lost in snow. Where did they come from? Where will they go? I can tell where they’ll dwell. In the windwhirl’s land where the chack trees grow.
Behold the Princess Ivah Skay. She outwitted her parents and ran away. She rebelled against Law and became the Green Va. Why did she do it? I really can’t say.
Here’s Dosh, the hutkeeper, lost in dreams. Her quest? To solve rain riddles, it seems. How long will it take? Will her frail mind break? When she opens her eyes, a madness there gleams.
The Quing of Blossom could not be more haughty. To tell you the truth, she’s really quite snotty. Nose in the air, she simply can’t bear the rudeness of crudeness or anything naughty.
The racketous garl is quite an odd creature. Tentacles numerous are its outstanding feature. Don’t venture too near. If you do, well, I fear with its great snapping beak it surely will eature.
This is the Blossom Castle Crump. Jesterbeasts say he’s an awful grump. Front face or back, of smiles there’s a lack. No wonder those jesters call him The Lump.
Here is Shaaaa the Beddysnake in the Evermist of the marshy lake. 4 tongues green in her mouth are seen, and her black heart eyes will make you quake.
Oh, listen to the tale of Zom Falbu. The roads she traveled were old and new. Here now, here then, and sometimes when, she shifted her shape to help quite a few.