November 30, 2010
Harpo, pictured below, was the first chronicler. He dictated his autobiography to Lace, the second chronicler. The first chapter of that memoir is today’s excerpt. First, I’ll start firstly. Lace, write down everything I say. Yes, even that. What? No. Now, where was I? First? Ah, yes. First, I’ll start firstly. My parents, they were […]
November 23, 2010
The Ledgemoon is a story in which the chapters are like the spokes of a wheel. They go round and round. Lace and Harpo, pupil and teacher, alternate writing the chapters. The story concerns those twins up there, Fiss, on the left, and his sister, Sill, on the right. Excerpt below. “I want to […]
November 16, 2010
Here is a very short sneak peek at the second Bekka chronicle, The Carven Flute. It will be coming soon from Wild Child Publishing. Many were the mornings I listened content to the Gwer drollek story of the Carven Flute. Gwer drollek is how we bendo dreen say Once Upon A Time. Such is so, […]
November 12, 2010
Long before Bekka’s time in the bramble bower hedge on Boad, the first chronicler Harpo wrote a story featuring her distant ancestors. A tale well known to Bekka, it was in fact the direct inspiration for her journey with Kar into the Woeful Wanderers’ Wasteland. a standard bendo dreen chonka Jellies, the finest, bowl quivering. […]
November 9, 2010
The third of the ‘thinzers’ written by Harpo tells the story of the young jesterbeast pictured below and features the incredibly regal Quing of Blossom Castle. That’s her below the jesterbeast. In that long ago time, fair and true, Blossom Castle was a marvel of blooms. A riot of rainbow ivy swarmed its walls and […]
November 5, 2010
Harpo’s second ‘thinzer’, The Little Hutter, sees a young hutter maiden dare to visit her banished brother, who broke the supreme hutter rule by speaking his name aloud. Little Hutter is pictured below, wearing her harvest celebration garb. The eldest hutter maiden busily cleansed her oat comb. The middle youngling tended to the bean patch. […]
November 2, 2010
When Harpo, the first chronicler, began to go blind, he decided to write shorter tales in order to get more of them completed before he was sightless. He called these chronicles ‘thinzers’. The first one was about a young Nimble Missst, a character so beloved by Bekka that she chose to write a full length […]