February 9, 2018
Kra is a raven. She lives in a cave. Her dream is to rule the world. Sometimes a notion to find a potion dances around in her head. Maybe tomorrow or the day after she will gather the power to make her dream true and rule over you in her underground tower.
August 2, 2014
Jesterbeasts from the world of Boad once upon a time traveled back and forth to Earth through portals linking the two worlds. On Earth they are legend, mysteries called bigfoot, sasquatch, yeti. On Boad they are fact, happy go lucky performers and clowns. Soon their story will be told in Book 9 of The Bekka […]
June 6, 2014
pickles on pizza and ketchup on ice cream splinters of tree bark and remnants of moonbeam great mounded platters of rusted bedsprings these are a few of his favorite things
April 16, 2014
That wall of fog with fingers is the wily labbimist. Shun its cloudy twinings. On this I must insist. For if it should enfold you in its milky sightless seep captured there forever you’ll be lost like Bo Peep’s sheep.
March 14, 2014
This self-deprecating yellow owl has worked her way into the story of NUTH, although she doesn’t think she’s worth it.
March 7, 2014
In the blue dimension are beddysnakes like this. Most of them live in a place called Slender Village. This particular blue beddysnake, however, might just be a villain plotting the destruction of Earth.
February 28, 2014
The 3-headed dogs living in the crystal cube city in a vast cavern behind a purple waterfall sing a song with 8 verses in my new story. The first verse goes: O the rambling life is not for me Safe in the cave I’d rather be Invite us out for a day in the park […]
February 17, 2014
My former Earth girl, Andrea, now jesterbest, NUTH, has passed through the yellow and orange dimensions. Next stop, red, where she will enter a grotto and deal with this tortoise. Oh, and the tortoise is 8 feet long, head to tail tip.
February 9, 2014
This unicorn has barged her way into the new story. Her name is Monarch. NUTH, the earthling girl transformed into a jesterbeast (sasquatch), will meet her in the orange dimension after dealing with the giant butterflies and tiny foxes.
February 4, 2014
When my character NUTH travels to the orange dimension, she will meet orange butterflies the size of foxes and orange foxes the size of butterflies.