A young cartjagger named Avado, off on a secret quest she did go. Through a Skrabble rock cave, o’er a mist shrouded wave, a treasure of answers she soon would know.
A young cartjagger named Avado, off on a secret quest she did go. Through a Skrabble rock cave, o’er a mist shrouded wave, a treasure of answers she soon would know.
A creature called Raspy the Sprite glows with an eerie blue light, lives under sea, aids the garl for free by lighting its way through the night.
The last of the roamers was Lace. She had a most serious face. She wrote many stories of Boadlian glories. For a thousand years none took her place.
The Triplet Princesses Three were exhausting to hear or to see. Their cacophonous fury or tempestuous hurry left no room for silence to be.
A nester musician named Frad was positively mad to unravel the mystery of a hutkeeper’s history. To do so would make his heart glad.
The second chronicler was a roamer maiden, Fuzzybug Lacejacket, Lace for short. She was sent by the lavender witch to Harpo’s home by the Well of Shells to be his scribe after he had gone blind. Harpo dictated four chronicles to her, and she could not keep herself from adding little comments of her own. […]
Fleckrunners appear as supporting characters in tales told by all the chroniclers – Harpo, Lace, Bekka and Plumly. They are Blossom Castle dwellers and tend the gate. Their general disposition is described below by Lace in her chronicle, O’TAN’S GATE. A certain mystery about them is revealed much later in the same story. The Quing, […]
Pictured there is the ranger of travel known as Eskar Shard. He played a pivotal role in the Lace chronicle, O’TAN’S GATE. Dosh, the hutkeeper questing to solve random rain riddles, introduces Eskar Shard as she begins to tell her story to Lace and to Frad, the nester musician. “It all began on a cloudless […]
In RAKARA, the soon to be published third story in The Bekka Chronicles, Bek and Kar undertake an adventure in direct response to a challenge from an immortal, Dak the Jroon, pictured below as he appeared in THE LEDGEMOON, a tale of twins floating on a raft in the Wide Great Sea and told in […]
Queen Amzo of Clover takes center stage in one small piece of one story, ZOM FALBU. She’s offstage and important in many others. Below her picture is the description of her first meeting with the time-traveling shapeshifter, Zom Falbu. You possess a brightness, roamer. I understand now with a better clear why you are a […]