Meet Plumly, a ten year old Earth girl from the mountains of California. She is now dyed blue and wandering the wilds of a world in another dimension. amazon link for purchase:
Meet Plumly, a ten year old Earth girl from the mountains of California. She is now dyed blue and wandering the wilds of a world in another dimension. amazon link for purchase:
‘I am splendid, am I not? I can grant wishes, too,’ boasted the 4 leaf clover. ‘My petals are perfect, don’t you think? And there are 4 of them.’ The blades of grass and the 3 leaf clovers all around grumbled and muttered. ‘Petals, she says. Leafs aren’t good enough for her,’ said a nearby […]
This self-deprecating yellow owl has worked her way into the story of NUTH, although she doesn’t think she’s worth it.
In the blue dimension are beddysnakes like this. Most of them live in a place called Slender Village. This particular blue beddysnake, however, might just be a villain plotting the destruction of Earth.
The job of NUTH, my jesterbeast heroine who on Earth was 9 year old Andrea Babbit, is to collect these stones, one from each dimension she visits. Why? Somehow they will save the planet Earth from destruction.
My former Earth girl, Andrea, now jesterbest, NUTH, has passed through the yellow and orange dimensions. Next stop, red, where she will enter a grotto and deal with this tortoise. Oh, and the tortoise is 8 feet long, head to tail tip.
This unicorn has barged her way into the new story. Her name is Monarch. NUTH, the earthling girl transformed into a jesterbeast (sasquatch), will meet her in the orange dimension after dealing with the giant butterflies and tiny foxes.
When my character NUTH travels to the orange dimension, she will meet orange butterflies the size of foxes and orange foxes the size of butterflies.
The main character in the new story I am working on now has a name. Andrea Babbit. She knows for sure when she starts 5th grade in a new school in a new city somebody will call her ‘Baboon’. Her mother has taken away her iPhone as punishment for something. I don’t know what Andrea […]