May 15, 2014

amazing marshmallow

The miniature marshmallow, middle row, third from the left, was stuck on the roof of a gingerbread house.
“This isn’t fair. I don’t want to be a decoration. I want to melt in hot cocoa and be sipped!” she complained.
“Well, tough. You’re a decoration. Deal with it. We won second prize, didn’t we? You should be proud,” commented the miniature marshmallow’s neighbor.
“Proud? Poff! I have to sit here and turn to stone practically. Hmmphh!” pouted the dissatisfied marshmallow.
“There’s not a thing you can do about it, so why don’t you button your lip,” snarled the red M&M doorknob from below.
“Oh, yeah? Watch me,” retorted the by now really most quite violently angry marshmallow.
She tore herself from the roofline, rolled the slope, dropped to the floor, expanded, sprouted arms and legs, was magically clothed in a fine silk suit, stalked from the premises and was later the first female marshmallow ever to be elected President of the United States of America.
Moral: Never underestimate a determined marshmallow.

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