November 16, 2010
Here is a very short sneak peek at the second Bekka chronicle, The Carven Flute. It will be coming soon from Wild Child Publishing. Many were the mornings I listened content to the Gwer drollek story of the Carven Flute. Gwer drollek is how we bendo dreen say Once Upon A Time. Such is so, […]
November 12, 2010
Long before Bekka’s time in the bramble bower hedge on Boad, the first chronicler Harpo wrote a story featuring her distant ancestors. A tale well known to Bekka, it was in fact the direct inspiration for her journey with Kar into the Woeful Wanderers’ Wasteland. a standard bendo dreen chonka Jellies, the finest, bowl quivering. […]
November 9, 2010
The third of the ‘thinzers’ written by Harpo tells the story of the young jesterbeast pictured below and features the incredibly regal Quing of Blossom Castle. That’s her below the jesterbeast. In that long ago time, fair and true, Blossom Castle was a marvel of blooms. A riot of rainbow ivy swarmed its walls and […]
November 5, 2010
Harpo’s second ‘thinzer’, The Little Hutter, sees a young hutter maiden dare to visit her banished brother, who broke the supreme hutter rule by speaking his name aloud. Little Hutter is pictured below, wearing her harvest celebration garb. The eldest hutter maiden busily cleansed her oat comb. The middle youngling tended to the bean patch. […]
October 29, 2010
In Bekka of Thorns’ second chronicle, The Carven Flute, she writes about the immortal lavender witch, Babba Ja Harick, and how she traveled to Earth seeking her long lost sister. In The Well of Shells, the story of the sisters as witchlets is dictated by the blind Harpo to his new scribe, Lace. Lace can’t […]
October 26, 2010
This excerpt is from one of Harpo’s earliest chronicles, Babbling Jam Hatrack. In it, we meet Prince Hal, later to be Harold the Tooth, King of Fiddleeebod. Now he is merely a Prince of Fiddleebod. Fiddleebod will have to wait until Prince becomes King to acquire its third ‘e’. Bek and Kar know this story […]
October 22, 2010
This excerpt is from another of Lace’s chronicles, The Creely Crown. It describes a scavenger hunt/race to find and claim the legendary Creely Crown. The competing contestants are the wild Triplet Princesses Three of Fiddleeebod. That’s Wun on the left below, Tuu in the middle, and Thrii on the right. Thrii dyed her hair startling […]
October 19, 2010
Today’s excerpt is from O’Tan’s Gate, a story recorded by Lace, the second chronicler, after Harpo and long before Bekka. Below is my rough sketch of Lace. Frad, a nester musician, is featured in today’s excerpt. The entire story swirls around Dosh, a mysterious hutkeeper. A ziler, when well played, strikes a tone mellow and […]
October 15, 2010
This is the young cartjagger, Avado. At the beginning of her ritual 10 Year Wander, she meets her grandmother, Old Orrum, for the first time. Here is Old Orrum, the most highly skilled cartjagger in all of Honeygold, Clover Castle. The chronicler Lace wrote the scene of their meeting as a play. THE SCENE IN […]
October 12, 2010
I have decided to start posting excerpts from the stories heard by Bek and Kar all of their lives in the bramble bower hedge. This first one is from ‘The Great Green Va’, a story of the Princess Ivah Skay and how she hated rules and loved green. This is the Princess Ivah Skay This […]